Bucharest's Botanical Garden is one cleaner happier green place thanks to hundreds of people in the age span
of 5-50 yr old that gathered in the polluted heart of our marvelous country Capital.
My shadow, my echo and myself is a cleaner happier green-eyed place too, but it didn't take a hundred people; just one. ;)
It's amazing what you can accomplish when you take a bunch of "tree-hugging" (quoting the wise :D ) people that care about the environment and get them to not only hug but also trim the trees.
I must confess I wish to be a tree sometimes; there is so much to learn from a seemingly inert living being. it's something in the loneliness and steadiness and the way it always tries to reach the sky.
And now, to skip the tearjerker philosophical hoo-haa, I met some pretty great people yesterday. Hardworking too. If you have a Facebook account, you may admire the general performance put out there by a tremendous team work. if not, you'll have to wait til i get the ther set of pics.
Botanical Garden Spring Cleaning 2010
And my crappy cell-phone snapshots...of cool stuff :D
As a long lasting living breathing souvenir we got gladiola (sword lily) bulbs to grow ourselves; I planted mine today, hoping and praying for its survival. Plus a free month of visiting the Garden.
Now I better start racing like a pro for my upcoming exam this week.
Wish me monsters!
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